Watery poop expelled broken soft shelled egg!! Help!


9 Years
Jun 28, 2015
Update: I brought her in to clean her feathers up and in the process she expelled a soft shelled egg but it was broken so is the a bigger problem now???

Good morning. I have a chicken that seem ill. She is staying away from the other girls and didn’t come for food treat this morning. She have very watery poop her vent is clear but looks irritated there is some crusties on her feathers further down I assume from getting wet with watery poop. She is very hot. Her abdominal area is soft, but hot to the touch. She hasn’t been laying and when she does her eggs are not normal they are round misshapen or soft. Please advise
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Most likely a sign of calcium deficiency and/or an infection. It's good that she pushed out the egg.

I would suggest giving her calcium for at least 5 days. Do it ASAP. If you have poultry calcium powder, a quarter of a tea spoon divided twice per day should do it (so 1/8 twice per day). You can dilute it in some water and mash it with your finger until it dissolves. Have someone else hold her, pinch the beak gently with your hand until she opens it and pour the liquid slowly. If you have calcium tablets give her one per day (you can also break it in two and give twice per day to even it out). It will help with expelling egg debris and form proper shells.

I would also suggest whatever broad spectrum antibiotic you have on hand. You can give it to her twice per day alongside the calcium. Dosage varies depending on the drugs you got. It will fight off any infection caused by leftover material until she expels it. If an infection is the cause in the first place, it gets more complicated, but an antibiotic would still help.

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