Very excited that one of our three silkies has finally started laying 
We got our silkies 2 months ago, we stopped by a pet store on the way home and the owner happened to own heaps of chickens. She said that getting your first egg is almost as exciting as giving birth so we have been checking their coop and enclosure 5-10 times a day for eggs ever since but never saw anything.
One of our other chickens (an isa brown) is very ill and was recently hospitalised for 2 nights (the vet checked all our chickens and believes that thankfully, only this hen was affected). She racked up a very expensive vet bill so getting our first egg from our silkies was very exciting after an extremely stressful weekend

We got our silkies 2 months ago, we stopped by a pet store on the way home and the owner happened to own heaps of chickens. She said that getting your first egg is almost as exciting as giving birth so we have been checking their coop and enclosure 5-10 times a day for eggs ever since but never saw anything.
One of our other chickens (an isa brown) is very ill and was recently hospitalised for 2 nights (the vet checked all our chickens and believes that thankfully, only this hen was affected). She racked up a very expensive vet bill so getting our first egg from our silkies was very exciting after an extremely stressful weekend