Weak chick


Apr 22, 2024
I have 26 chicks (6 weeks old) then been doing great but this morning All of a sudden one of them is not, it's a bit weak unlike the usual it's eating a lot, drinking and pooping but something is wrong, no symptoms other than weakness and I think when I put the chick close to my ear I hear a clicking sound (it's not constant)
Gave the chick some sugar water & honey water and now I'm sitting here dead worried that it's something contagious that may spread (or already started spreading) among the other chicks too
Any help would be appreciated

Note: I have a highly limited access to medicine & vets
Do you have any save a chick or rooster booster? If they are lethargic I would give them some in a syringe in the mouth (mixed in water). As for the clicking, i haven’t had any experience with that. Maybe they are struggling to breathe. For now, focus on them getting enough nutrients and isolate them from the flock.
Do you have any save a chick or rooster booster? If they are lethargic I would give them some in a syringe in the mouth (mixed in water). As for the clicking, i haven’t had any experience with that. Maybe they are struggling to breathe. For now, focus on them getting enough nutrients and isolate them from the flock.
Nope don't have these
It doesn't seem to be struggling to breath at all it's eating well and has a full crop not sure what's wrong with it, maybe a heat stroke? I'm totally lost

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