Weird/Swollen eyes??


In the Brooder
Mar 14, 2023
Any idea what’s up with this girls eyes? I first noticed this last summer, I immediately treated the entire flock with tylosin & deep cleaned my coop. None of my other chickens have shown any signs of eye issues. Never any bubbles, discharge or abnormal behavior. Now I’m beginning to wonder, is this just what her eyes look like and once I noticed it it’s all I can see or is something going on? Would appreciate any advice/input because this really has me stumped.


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Does she, or has she ever, had any other symptoms? Bubbles, discharge, coughing, sneezing, etc.? Droppings normal?, is she laying?
I can't see anything obvious in the pictures. Maybe just how she is, they are all a little different, just like people. I would watch for changes, rather than that everyone looks exactly the same. If you are seeing something odd in the eye, then closer up pictures might be called for.

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