Welsummer bantam , light sussex bantam?


5 Years
Jun 5, 2014
Hi there I have just acquired a welsummer bantam and a light sussex bantam

Don't know how old they are or anything about there
Breed please give me some information! Thanks

Welsumer bantam:



Light sussex bantam:


I'm probably not much help but help but I'll give it a try. I raise the standard version of the Light Sussex. They lay large pink eggs - frequently. If I had to guess it appears the one in your picture looks pretty young judging by comb and waddles. It has the same comb and waddle size as my 3 1/2 month old pullets. I know that doesn't help a lot but I'm taking guess but I feel yours is in that ballpark age, maybe a month older than mine. Is she laying yet? If so, she's older than I'm guessing. I love the light sussex and started breeding them. I bought 5 hens and a rooster at an auction and they were the top selling pen. I've already hatched off 25 chicks. They are an English breed and according to the internet the bantam version was created in the 1980's. Mine eat a lot, but they are also not the bantam version. They are very attractive to the eye and I hear popular but very rare here in the U.S. I would think the bantam version is even more rare.
As far as the welsummer, I would guess the age about the same as your bantam light sussex. She will lay a dark, terracotta colored egg. Again I have the standard version and making my comparison to them. Mine are a little more flighty than my light sussex. My light sussex walk right under me, opposed to my welsummers that move way from me when I feed. But I have not worked as much with my welsummers as light sussex so that might be the cause. I hear the welsummers are better at avoiding predators vs. the light sussex that are very docile. I don't know for sure, we have all ours in large pens due to predators. Welsummers are rare breed also. They are popular in my area here in central texas. I think you have scored two rare breeds and should be two excellent chickens. They look great. Sorry, I wasn't more help. I'm still learning myself about these two breeds so I'm not an expert. Good luck with them.
I meant to add one thing about the light sussex. One of the biggest issues I'm having is figuring out the pullets from the males when their a few months of age. Since the females have large combs and waddles it's been difficult for me. I haven't spent the necessary time to learn how to sex them by their wing feathers as chicks. Half of my 3 1/2 month olds I'm still in debate whether 3 are going to be roosters or hens. Most of my other breeds at 3-4 weeks it pretty obvious.

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