Werewolves and Chickens?


Jun 10, 2024
One of my guilty pleasures is badly written werewolf stories. Mostly the ones found on apps like Readadict (if that's how it is spelled). I've only found maybe one or two good stories written about werewolves on those types of apps. But for the most part, they are deliciously bad. Poor grammar, impossible fight scenes, horrible plots, gaping plot holes, but utter perfection for all the errors.

However, I've recently gotten a little bored with how every story is the same. A underappreciated female meets the man of her dreams, they are fated to be together, but because he's a popular Alpha, she is scorned. Until she has some kind of magical ability, or special quality. And how she is suffering without him, and he is trying to win her back... One or two stories, yeah, fine. I got it. But almost all of them? Bah!

So an idea was born! I am writing my own poorly written werewolf story. Except, not with the poor grammar. I was an English major, after all. And what do we do with a BA in English? Write werewolf stories!!!!! I'm positive that's what the song in the musical Avenue Q says. Only, in my story, there's going to be a chicken as one of the main supporting characters. A buff Polish frizzle hen.

I've got the start of the story written already. The first chapter is called The Boy With the Chicken. I even have my storyline all written out. Hopefully I'll be able to gently mock the genre as well as amuse new readers if I get it published.
This is awesome! I am an aspiring author at the final editing stages in my book (not about werewolves tho), and I'm super excited to (try to) get it published. I'm only a teen so it's extra-exciting. Good luck with your book!
This is awesome! I am an aspiring author at the final editing stages in my book (not about werewolves tho), and I'm super excited to (try to) get it published. I'm only a teen so it's extra-exciting. Good luck with your book!
That is so cool! What is your book about?
It's called The Hidden Gate. A girl goes on an adventure, gets lost, meets some unicorns who are actually deer, and gets rescued by her dog. It's pretty average.
That sounds pretty interesting. I'd probably pick it up for a read if I found it!

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