Jul 16, 2024
I got some chicks from tractor supply and 2 are marans. One has the comb their suppose to have while her sister has a rose comb. Did tractor supply mess up when sorting the breeds or is her comp just not growing in yet for some reason?


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Dominiques don't come in cuckoo and barred rocks aren't cuckoo and dont have a rose comp
Actually, Dominiques are exclusively a barred/cuckoo breed and that is most certainly a Dominique chick. I owned a few as a part of my first flock. The other is likely a barred rock.
Actually, Dominiques are exclusively a barred/cuckoo breed and that is most certainly a Dominique chick. I owned a few as a part of my first flock. The other is likely a barred rock.
Yes, I looked at them more closely and one has barring so it's a dominique and the other is more cuckoo so it's a maran
Yes, I looked at them more closely and one has barring so it's a dominique and the other is more cuckoo so it's a maran
At that age, I don’t think you can easily distinguish between cuckoo and barring. I had a Dominique who looked quite cuckoo when she was young, but grew up to be very clearly barred. I now have a Dominique chick who looks barred from the outset. The first feathering isn’t necessarily representative of the final overall look.

An easier way to know if you have a Barred Rock or a Cuckoo Marans is to look at foot color. If the feet are pale whitish pink, then you have a Marans, if yellow, a Barred Rock. They may have a dark colored wash down the legs and toes that obscures the color, but you can tell by the soles of the feet.

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