Wet edges around run


Oct 30, 2023
Central MA
Hey everyone,

Last night we had our first real big thunderstorm since we put the coop/run up. Our coop is bone dry (yay!) but the edges around the inside of the run have damp soil. Our girls are not inside the coop yet (hoping this weekend) but I was wondering if this is concerning? It’s not pooling but it’s damp. We are planning gutters on front and back at some point.

I’m assuming if it’s raining and the girls are in the run, they’ll either go inside the coop or closer to the center of the run?

we are filling it with more top soil as it’s a bit low and I know they’ll want to dig, anyway. I’m hoping by having more soil built up the water will run off more easily.
We are planning on installing gutters on the front and back roof to collect rainwater with but it’s not super high on our to do list right now.
Chickens don't melt in the rain. I'd only be concerned if you said you were at risk of the run puddling or flooding due to it sitting lower than surrounding land. It sounds like you're aware that the spot is a bit lower so gutters and raising level of soil/litter inside can help, and same goes for drains.
Chickens don't melt in the rain. I'd only be concerned if you said you were at risk of the run puddling or flooding due to it sitting lower than surrounding land. It sounds like you're aware that the spot is a bit lower so gutters and raising level of soil/litter inside can help, and same goes for drains.
I figured it was ok because it was just damp soil/sand and not any actual water. I ordered 12 bags of top soil to add, my arm/neck is currently out of commission from painting, wallpapering, and hanging hardware cloth all week last week. I’m going to try to pick it up today and maybe get them in tomorrow if my husband gets home early enough to carry them back for me. I don’t want to make my neck any worse than it is.
I live in a very wet area and add wood pellets to my run around the edges. They absorb all the water that puddles there and my hens love to scratch through it.
It's fine. In the summertime I'll occasionally water my chicken run on purpose, my chickens will even go get wet in sprinklers and don't seem to mind foraging in a downpour either. Some moisture promotes decomposition and keeps down dust, insects and worms will likely prefer some moisture too, which is a good thing. Dunno what your ground is currently but personally I wouldn't task myself with the mentioned 12 bags of topsoil; over time a native soil run will naturally become great topsoil if you use organic bedding material in the chicken area such as arborist wood chips, leaves, straw, grass clippings, etc. - just dump those in and let the chickens spread it for you
I’m assuming if it’s raining and the girls are in the run, they’ll either go inside the coop or closer to the center of the run?
Depends. Are the girls ducks or chickens? Ducks no because they like to play in the rain with their waterproof feathers. Chickens also no. I mean maybe some do. But chickens are stupid. Geese same problem with ducks.
Depends. Are the girls ducks or chickens? Ducks no because they like to play in the rain with their waterproof feathers. Chickens also no. I mean maybe some do. But chickens are stupid. Geese same problem with ducks.
I have both, both choose to run out in the rain and search for snacks. (worms coming out of the ground).

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