What’s trying to chew through?

Oh my gosh! 😂My daughter was thinking skunk. I just want to know so I can prepare better. Now I know not to go with cinderblocks 🤣 I told my husband to get prepared to have the little henny hutch in the house 😂
Thank you 😊
We've now had to have 2 chickens raised in the house for about almost a year till we could finally make something good for them outside
We've now had to have 2 chickens raised in the house for about almost a year till we could finally make something good for them outsides
We've now had to have 2 chickens raised in the house for about almost a year till we could finally make something good for them outside
Seriously considering it. It seems like there is always room for improvements. Always some creature out here wanting them. I told my husband I’d love a coop and run like I see in magazines and such but I swear it’s always been just rescue and get something made that works quickly. No time for Architectural Digest out here 😂 And they’re all so rebellious 🤣
Oh my gosh! 😂My daughter was thinking skunk. I just want to know so I can prepare better. Now I know not to go with cinderblocks 🤣 I told my husband to get prepared to have the little henny hutch in the house 😂
Thank you 😊
Nah cinderblock is still ok, I just meant to show an extreme example that its possible for a racoon to damage it. Realistically, they won't get through.
I agree, a trail cam would probably be the easiest way to solve the mystery. But it's probably a mammal, so brushing hot chili oil on it should deter whatever it is from continuing to chew on it. You can buy ready made chili oil or infuse your own using whatever cheap veg oil and hot chili peppers.

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