What age can they go to new homes?


Jun 6, 2024
We hatched 8 chicks - now 6 weeks old. I ‘think’ we have 2 boys and 6 girls - I have found homes for the boys (joining existing flocks) but what age should I pass them on? What age can I be 100% sure of gender? They are buff Orpington’s
Six weeks is the age where you can almost definitely tell their gender (unless it is a slow-growing breed but that trait is mostly in very tall breeds), but if you have a trained eye then you can easily pick out their gender long before that. Your cockerels are ready to be taken to their new home. You can give chickens a new home at any time and it is best to do it when they are young to make the experience less stressful. Can you take a picture of your chicks so we can make sure they are males?
We hatched 8 chicks - now 6 weeks old. I ‘think’ we have 2 boys and 6 girls - I have found homes for the boys (joining existing flocks) but what age should I pass them on? What age can I be 100% sure of gender? They are buff Orpington’s
Whenever you'd like. I regularly hatch (broody or incubator) chicks in the Spring and Summer to sell, some folks want them at a couple days old, some when they are 3-4 weeks. If you have folks who want them, they can go, and at 6 weeks, they don't need heat and the hard part is done.
Thanks for your reply. We have decided who the boys are based on size and early development of the wattle and comb.

Wonder if we should hold off for more confidence 🤷‍♀️🫣
Six weeks is the age where you can almost definitely tell their gender (unless it is a slow-growing breed but that trait is mostly in very tall breeds), but if you have a trained eye then you can easily pick out their gender long before that. Your cockerels are ready to be taken to their new home. You can give chickens a new home at any time and it is best to do it when they are young to make the experience less stressful. Can you take a picture of your chicks so we can make sure they are males?
fab! Yes will take pictures later and upload.
So the one on the dirt is our biggest male suspect! The one solo in my son’s arms is also suspected. The two together are possibilities. The other 4 chickens only have a few bumps where the comb is at the moment so we suspect ladies! 🤷‍♀️🤞🏼


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