What age to know if Angel Wing is forming?


Premium Feather Member
Jun 11, 2024
Good evening, y'all!
What age might you be able to tell if angel wing is forming? I've got a 3.5 week old duckling, and her little wings are so tiny that I feel like she's too young to be able to make a decision yet. (Her wing tips are yellow in the pic, luckily they stand out to see them better) She's a hatchling from the same farm I got 3 others from, none of them had any such issues.


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Looking back at my photos & videos, my boy first showed signs of angel wing around 4.5 weeks.

Earliest it can occur is about 4 weeks when the wing feathers are first growing in, and there should be little to no risk after 16 weeks.

Angel wing is thankfully pretty easy to spot and treat, so don’t worry too much!

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