Hello there!
Despite ordering all pullets, our hatchery order sent us an Easter Egger cockerel as an extra surprise. I've never had a rooster before, so I've been researching rooster behavior and care.
Wizard is now 4 months old, and he has started trying to mount our hens and pullets (7 hens over a year old, 4 pullets 4 months old). I've noticed that he grabs the heads of the pullets on occasion (they scream bloody murder, and he releases them--I haven't noticed any blood). He still isn't crowing, and while he shies away from touch, he is comfortable hanging out near us or mingling with the flock. He hasn't shown any signs of aggression towards me, my husband, or my son.
Should I be concerned by the head-grabbing behavior? Are there any other signs of a good/bad rooster I should be looking for? How did you know that your rooster was a keeper?
Despite ordering all pullets, our hatchery order sent us an Easter Egger cockerel as an extra surprise. I've never had a rooster before, so I've been researching rooster behavior and care.
Wizard is now 4 months old, and he has started trying to mount our hens and pullets (7 hens over a year old, 4 pullets 4 months old). I've noticed that he grabs the heads of the pullets on occasion (they scream bloody murder, and he releases them--I haven't noticed any blood). He still isn't crowing, and while he shies away from touch, he is comfortable hanging out near us or mingling with the flock. He hasn't shown any signs of aggression towards me, my husband, or my son.
Should I be concerned by the head-grabbing behavior? Are there any other signs of a good/bad rooster I should be looking for? How did you know that your rooster was a keeper?