What breed are these barnyard mix chicks..?


8 Years
Oct 9, 2013


The striped one came out of a green egg. The others out brown eggs.
The one that came out of the green egg, is some sort of easter egger. (Americana or something) the rest, well, they could really be ANYTHING at this stage of their lives.
If they came from a mixed flock, than they wouldn't be a pure breed. If you want guesses as to who the parents are we need to know what you have in your flock. Plus the little cuties will need to be a little bigger
Ok, I will post some pictures when they are older. I dont mind mutts, I thought it be cool if I know what kinda mix they are.
We can't really tell you what they could be mixed with until they are feathered, though the green egg chick is almost definitely an Easter Egger mix - a chicken with Araucana or Ameraucana bloodlines. Here is a wonderful link explaining the difference between Easter Eggers and the other blue or green egg layers.


Ok, I will ask again once they feathered. Thanks for the link, checking it now.
Ok, its maybe better to see now?

one week:

three weeks:

Is the brown feathered one (front) a cockerel? It is huge compared to the rest.
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