What breed are these chicks?


Jun 15, 2016
Just picked up some chicks from meyer hatchery, I would really recommend them by the way, very good selection of breeds and such. Anyways I ordered 4 chicks from the rare breed assortment, I've identified one as a cochin. No idea on the others think you guys can help me out?
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Just picked up some chicks from meyer hatchery, I would really recommend them by the way, very good selection of breeds and such. Anyways I ordered 4 chicks from the rare breed assortment, I've identified one as a cochin. No idea on the others think you guys can help me out?

There are no Cochins here. Cochins have feathered legs. I can't tell you about what you do have with any certainty because too many breeds have similarly marked chicks.

Welcome to BYC!
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Thanks for the welcome, I did not post the Cochin there, here's a picture of him though. It
is a cochin right?
Good to hear, I've never had a cochin in my flock and I've heard they are good mothers unlike my broody orpington who attacked these chicks when I set them under her :/
Good to hear, I've never had a cochin in my flock and I've heard they are good mothers unlike my broody orpington who attacked these chicks when I set them under her

Well, that really depends on the individual more than the breed. The best broody I ever had was a breeder quality Orpington, and one of my heritage line Barred Rocks was right up there with her. Actually, the line of Barred Rocks I raise are all good broodies, but my hatchery Rocks never did go broody and are not known for it. Hatchery birds really vary. Many breeds that are supposed to be the broody type have had that trait bred out of them in favor of egg production. Unfortunate, really.

Hopefully, your Cochin will be a great mother hen some day. I've only had two Cochins, a lavender bantam Cochin hen who went broody once and raised a few chicks, and currently, a black Cochin bantam rooster who has his own "big girls" he rules with an iron beak.

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