What Breed my Dubai Chickens are?


In the Brooder
Apr 3, 2015
hi every one as some of you may know im from Dubai and I was wondering if uae chickens are the same as usa chickens I will post photos of my flock and please let me know if you recognize them and what's their names.

1 my brooder girl

2 my red 8 months old

3 I call this one tiger

4 white grayish boy I think

thank you for your help
hi every one as some of you may know im from Dubai and I was wondering if uae chickens are the same as usa chickens I will post photos of my flock and please let me know if you recognize them and what's their names.

1 my brooder girl

She looks like an EE to me but I am not positive

Not Sure

Not Sure

Looks like an EE as well. But I am not sure because you live Dubai

thank you for your help
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No I haven't I'll check in the morning but she lays normal white eggs.
Since you live in Dubai, your birds that are bearded and tailed and ear tufted are European Araucanas.

North American regulations require Araucanas to be ear tufted, have no beard or muff, and rumpless (tail-less).

However, European standards of Araucanas allow tails and include beards and muffs along with the ear tuft.

A rift began between North American and European standards early in the breed rules as the original stock had several different lines mixed in, both coming from South America.

The rest of your flock, therefore, may be crosses with European Araucanas or simply variations as the ear tuft does not reproduce well. The ear tufting gene is a leathal gene, and any bird that receives 2 copies dies in the shell; therefore, all surviving birds carry only 1 copy of the gene if they have ear tufts. When bred to another tufted bird, 50% will have tufts, 25% will die in the shell, and 25% will be clean faced...although all technically are Araucana. However, with breed standard in chickens, only those birds that show the Standard of Perfection traits are called that breed. (Yes, it's confusing).

I can't tell from the photos whether your birds are EE's (a mix of European Araucana on one side and any other breed on the other, or variations within Araucana as both possibilities can cause variation in the tufting and beards.

Look at the leg colors. Those with beard/muff and ear tuft should have yellow legs if Araucana, and be one of the 12 European standard colors. Many EE's will have green legs (but some could have yellow) and can be any color. Ameraucanas will have slate grey legs and be of 8 standard colors, ETA and have beard/muffs but no ear tufts.

I'll link some information for you to help.
Enjoy your flock!
Lady of McCamley

The difference in the North American standards of Ameraucana vs. Araucana vs. EE

The difference between North American and European Araucana standards

EDITED TO ADD: I will comment on others in your flock in separate post
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hi every one as some of you may know im from Dubai and I was wondering if uae chickens are the same as usa chickens I will post photos of my flock and please let me know if you recognize them and what's their names.

1 my brooder girl

Probably an EE...possible European Araucana

2 my red 8 months old
I would need to see the rest of the bird but may be a Golden Campine
3 I call this one tiger
May be an EE or other mixed breed. With that patterning, highly probable mix of European Aruacana, meaning an EE

4 white grayish boy I think

European Araucana or mix thereof

thank you for your help
No I haven't I'll check in the morning but she lays normal white eggs.

If she lays a white egg, she is definitely not an European Araucana nor an Ameraucana.

She could still be an EE as they can lay any number of colors of eggs from pink, brown, green (most common), blue, and even white.....all due to the genetics of egg color (which is pretty fascinating).

Pretty flock...and you've got a great broody! Congratulations.


EDITED TO ADD: I'm not sure which bird you were referring to but if the one thought to be Golden Campine, yes, they lay white eggs.
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thank you for your reply, I took some new photos today but some of them might be blurry I cant stay out for long its 34C out and I have MS . if you can tell what are they? here are they:







7- this one has purple fathers on his wings






13- this one and 2 other hens in summer all of its feathers fell out and in winter January it grows back its already losing some now.


15- this one has yellow legs most of them have gray feet



18- this is the one I was told EE her legs are greenish gray


20- this is the EE

thank you for your help

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