What breeds/genders are my new chickens?


12 Years
Mar 3, 2012
Hey y'all!

First, I'm on mobile so apologies if the format looks wonky.

I just picked up five new birds yesterday. The guys I got them from had probably a hundred young birds, bantam and LF, running around the yard. They said the birds were all roughly the same age, hatched from March through May. I just wanted a few extra opinions on their breeds and genders - sadly, I cannot keep any more roosters so I do hope they're all girls.

Group photo (note that one is much smaller than the others; it's still much bigger than the baby bantams those guys had, so I figure it's just a younger LF?)

Chicken #1: Zeki

Zeki is the little tiny one. I assume some kind of Easter egger, and it's very young. Still peeps like a chick rather than clucking.

Chicken #2: Miah

Obviously a Turken! And probably female? I'd estimate around 4 months.

Chicken #3: Ivy

I have no clue what breed. Any guesses? Clean legs, yellow skin. I'm iffy about this one's gender. Saddle feathers are not pointed. Around 3-4 months probably.

Chicken #4: Clover

The biggest one by far, and I assume at least 4 months old. I was told that she's probably a Leghorn, and I assume she's female. Clean legs, yellow skin.

Chicken #5: Jesse

Around 4 months old. I was told she's a Rhode Island Red, but I always thought those were a much darker red. She has clean legs and yellow skin, and black tips to her tail feathers.

Any and all opinions are appreciated!
The last one looks like a new Hampshire red, first one is an easter egger. Is there and bromn on the white chicken? it seems pretty heavyset for a leghorn, maybe an almost white amberlink. I would guess the grey one is some kind of wyandotte but not sure what color. None of them are definite cockerels that i can see.
The last one looks like a new Hampshire red, first one is an easter egger. Is there and bromn on the white chicken? it seems pretty heavyset for a leghorn, maybe an almost white amberlink. I would guess the grey one is some kind of wyandotte but not sure what color. None of them are definite cockerels that i can see.

Thanks! The white one is solid white, no other colors at all.

Agree with the previous posters except that the blue wyandotte looks pretty boyish to me. Hard to pin down without correct age and full pics though.

I unfortunately don't know the exact age, but here's a full-body photo:

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