I started Coop Uno in April 2017 from a plan I found online that Home Depot sponsored so it must have been good right?
Here is a photo of the original build. Looked like a coop I thought but what did I know?
Far from it actually... after multiple modifications to the coop I finally had a place for the chickens to roost only, no room for anything else.
As it stands today the inside stays pretty clean using PDZ under the roosts.
The overall view of Coop Uno.
I'm happy with the design of the run, just wish I had room for more overhang and should have extended the roof over the door a couple of feet for sure.
Coop Deux, I started converting a shed in February 2018 but didn't get very far until January 2020 when I really got going putting in a dividing wall for the shed.
Here is the dividing wall today.
Inside the coop not much has changed in the last 2 years except the roll out nest box was rejected in favor of a cardboard box or two. And I lengthened the poop table and roost as it was too small for 12 Cinnamon Queens once they were fully grown.
Inside the run is unfortunately where they spend most days, sometimes I let them out in the little yard they have while being supervised.
I've made a few changes like adding roosts, a pallet and a new feeder which I like a lot and so do the hens.
Finishing off the Chicken Crack!
Outside the run is the same.
So in conclusion I still hate Coop Uno every time I clean the PDZ or try to do anything on the inside of it, it's just too small and too low and the list goes on and on.
On the other hand Coop Deux I like it as it so easy to clean the Poop Table I can do it with one hand an usually have no choice when Betty Boop is in one hand.
The only drawback to having half a shed a coop is the dust it bad on the other side...
Here is a photo of the original build. Looked like a coop I thought but what did I know?

Far from it actually... after multiple modifications to the coop I finally had a place for the chickens to roost only, no room for anything else.
As it stands today the inside stays pretty clean using PDZ under the roosts.

The overall view of Coop Uno.

I'm happy with the design of the run, just wish I had room for more overhang and should have extended the roof over the door a couple of feet for sure.
Coop Deux, I started converting a shed in February 2018 but didn't get very far until January 2020 when I really got going putting in a dividing wall for the shed.
Here is the dividing wall today.

Inside the coop not much has changed in the last 2 years except the roll out nest box was rejected in favor of a cardboard box or two. And I lengthened the poop table and roost as it was too small for 12 Cinnamon Queens once they were fully grown.

Inside the run is unfortunately where they spend most days, sometimes I let them out in the little yard they have while being supervised.
I've made a few changes like adding roosts, a pallet and a new feeder which I like a lot and so do the hens.

Finishing off the Chicken Crack!

Outside the run is the same.

So in conclusion I still hate Coop Uno every time I clean the PDZ or try to do anything on the inside of it, it's just too small and too low and the list goes on and on.
On the other hand Coop Deux I like it as it so easy to clean the Poop Table I can do it with one hand an usually have no choice when Betty Boop is in one hand.
The only drawback to having half a shed a coop is the dust it bad on the other side...
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