I have three silkies which I hatched myself who are now 8.5 weeks old. They are my only chickens (they’re pets and very very loved.) I’ve just had them DNA tested and two are boys.
Obviously I now have to get some more gals so this works and everyone is happy… what would you do out of the following options - or feel free to add another suggestion!
1): Hatch more eggs from the same flock/breeder (I would DNA test them immediately.) This option gives them friends from the same ‘family’ and ensures they are not exposed to potential diseases from another flock. However could be expensive to test a whole bunch of birds (which I am ok with) and I could end up with more boys!
2): Buy young pullets. Which will be riskier in terms of potentially introducing diseases/lice/mites etc. They also won’t be from the same family and could turn out to be males unless I can find DNA sexed girls (can’t seem to find any online!)
Which way would the current chickens be more accepting and when is best to introduce them so they get along best?
I want to do the right thing by them as well as getting chickens that are super happy and content with me as these guys are!
Thank you!
PS sorry idk why it’s all bold and unbolded in some places, I’ve tried to change it and it won’t accept the changes.