NECROPSY PERFORMED - WHAT AM I SEEING ? What is the best time of day to cull for the sake of a small flock?


Premium Feather Member
Jun 5, 2024
The situation: Have sickly hen - suspect EYP - production Comet 14 months age, never laid an egg - lengthy thread on this elsewhere.
Saved her from the brink of death on several occasions. She is now in a bad way, not eating, separating herself into corners, not engaged or interacting, is not scratching or pecking. No interest in favorite foods: mash, eggs, fruit. If I'm thinking it's time, it must be.

Flock is one other hen a year old BO, only one laying - joined at the hip with the comet.
Three 5 month old pullets newly introduced four weeks ago. Just now forming a cohesive flock.

What is the best time of day to remove her? First light? Roost time? Middle of day? What will have the least devastating effect on the others? Regardless it will be bad for the BO who will have to step up into lead position. This will be my first cull, not sure when to do this. Please experts, advise is appreciated.
I'm sorry. You worked so hard to save her but I know if you've come to this decision, she must be suffering.

Personally, I think roost time when they're sleeping is usually easiest on the flock (and me) but if she's just separating herself from the others and not eating, any time would be fine.

Thank you for your insight. I'm so torn over this...... 😭
Just carry her away from the others, make it as private as possible. The broomstick method is the fastest and least painful method I believe, but if you're uncertain about doing it, decapitation may be the superior method for the cleanest death. Non-racheting pipe cutters or a hatchet
Broomstick method was used in the past on another bird by a family member - went terribly wrong. Swore I would personally never use that method. Appreciate your reply.
I'm so sorry. I agree; as long as she is already separate, laying around on her own, I'd do it anytime. You just want her out of sight and hearing if at all possible.

It is a quick kindness and you are a good person to do her this service. It probably won't feel like that to you in the moment so try to keep reminding yourself. *hugs*
This is how I do it, pretty goof proof and very fast. Make sure what ever you use is SHARP. I have dedicated loppers that are only used for this. I agree that roost time is probably least stressful on all, but sometimes it can't wait. I always do it out of sight and sound of the flock, and stay calm and spend a few minutes talking quietly to the bird. So sorry you have to make the decision.
This is how I do it, pretty goof proof and very fast. Make sure what ever you use is SHARP. I have dedicated loppers that are only used for this. I agree that roost time is probably least stressful on all, but sometimes it can't wait. I always do it out of sight and sound of the flock, and stay calm and spend a few minutes talking quietly to the bird. So sorry you have to make the decision.
Thank you for the article. Thank you all for the input and responses.

I purchased a killing cone a couple of months ago when I thought we would be doing it then. I recently bought a pair of Stiehl loppers for this purpose only. I haven't even unwrapped them yet.

I warned my husband I would be doing this tonight. He asked me to wait. She is no longer able to do chicken things. I told him she is suffering and is probably in pain. He admitted she looks bloated and uncomfortable. I have decided to wait until roost time. Right now, the flock is all huddled together chilling out with Goldie in the middle. Geez. Last check her tail is up and she is hanging with her BF the Orpington - as usual.

I now have to take our ancient ailing dog to the vet. The only thing that may cause me to defer this act is if we get super bad news on our dog. This is not shaping up to be a good day.

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