The situation: Have sickly hen - suspect EYP - production Comet 14 months age, never laid an egg - lengthy thread on this elsewhere.
Saved her from the brink of death on several occasions. She is now in a bad way, not eating, separating herself into corners, not engaged or interacting, is not scratching or pecking. No interest in favorite foods: mash, eggs, fruit. If I'm thinking it's time, it must be.
Flock is one other hen a year old BO, only one laying - joined at the hip with the comet.
Three 5 month old pullets newly introduced four weeks ago. Just now forming a cohesive flock.
What is the best time of day to remove her? First light? Roost time? Middle of day? What will have the least devastating effect on the others? Regardless it will be bad for the BO who will have to step up into lead position. This will be my first cull, not sure when to do this. Please experts, advise is appreciated.
Saved her from the brink of death on several occasions. She is now in a bad way, not eating, separating herself into corners, not engaged or interacting, is not scratching or pecking. No interest in favorite foods: mash, eggs, fruit. If I'm thinking it's time, it must be.
Flock is one other hen a year old BO, only one laying - joined at the hip with the comet.
Three 5 month old pullets newly introduced four weeks ago. Just now forming a cohesive flock.
What is the best time of day to remove her? First light? Roost time? Middle of day? What will have the least devastating effect on the others? Regardless it will be bad for the BO who will have to step up into lead position. This will be my first cull, not sure when to do this. Please experts, advise is appreciated.