- Nov 7, 2024
- 55
- 89
- 69
Two of my original flock have white tips on the feathers on their heads. The black one has basically been through hell. In the fall she had two respiratory infections w/ swollen eye, eyelid and runny nose. She was also molting at the time as well and looked like she had been tumbled in the dryer. When I had taken her to the vet, she has scars on her legs from mites. At the time no one else had the leg issues but I treated everyone for mites and thoroughly cleaned the coop several times just in case. She had gotten better until several weeks ago when she laid a lash egg. I isolated her. She did have broken/missing feathers (from the rooster) and just looked unwell. I gave her vitamins, an antibiotic, and electrolytes. Her feathers came back and she looked and acted much better. Still had the lash egg issue though. Since then she now has these white tips on her feathers. I am not sure if this is just more feathers growing in, due to her horrible and long molt? I swear it was like 3-4 months, maybe 5 but she was also really sick for at least 2 months. Or could this be a fungal issue or mite issue? I also have another hen with the same thing. I don't remember her ever going through a molt in the fall. Could it be stress? There is 6 altogether. Most are banty or banty mixes, 1 roo. I unfortunately don't know the age of these hens as they were a mixed flock when I got them. Its possible the black one is older than I thought. I have attached photos for reference. I hope they work. I honestly don't know how to resize these pictures. I apologized they are so large. The black hen doesnt have any white on her body, that I can see, I think the white speckels are dust as her body is solid black.