I have a flock of 17, multiple breeds. I went away on vacation for two weeks (my neighbor was looking after them), and I found one of my cream leg bars in a pretty bad state. Lethargic, eye black and so crusted over I thought it had gotten pecked out, one wing drooping, and hard, dry, crusty patches all over a bald head.
Is this scaly face, pox, or fungus? She is about two years old and is the lowest on the pecking order, so her feathers never really look great, unfortunately. I checked her for lice and mites and couldn't find any. I gave her an Epsom salt bath, tried to get her eye open (without success), and applied olive oil and triple antibiotic ointment to her head.
What do you think?
Is this scaly face, pox, or fungus? She is about two years old and is the lowest on the pecking order, so her feathers never really look great, unfortunately. I checked her for lice and mites and couldn't find any. I gave her an Epsom salt bath, tried to get her eye open (without success), and applied olive oil and triple antibiotic ointment to her head.
What do you think?