What is your favorite chicken in your flock and why?

🤔 Impossible! I have 20 chickens and about 10 of them are my favorites! :lau

Shriek, who yells at me when I clean, she makes me laugh.
Shy-Ann, who is so sweet and beautiful and, well, shy....
Raven, a gold-flecked black EE who is just beautiful ....
Dingbat and Dipstick, two really stupid birds who somehow manage to survive despite the odds ...
Spook. 'Nuff said.
Winnie. A remarkably beautiful PBE.
Rojo el Magnifico, best rooster ever.
My all time favourite chicken was MaHua.


She wasn't the most beautiful bird in the flock nor the most intelligent, but she was the first chick that I have hatched from an egg (using a broody hen - hen went broody so I bought her some fertile eggs). I saw her 'swim' inside the egg every night even before she was hatched.

It took her so much effort to get out of that egg shell. She was the only one hatched and survived out of that dozen of eggs (many not fertile to start with).
They're all special for a reason or 2.

Peck sits on my lap and burrows her head under my elbow
Peeper was an only chick I hatched. She went everywhere with me as a chick.
Pepper is the most beautiful red.
Roxy survived flystrike -- I swear she asked for help, which is how I noticed it.
Piggi is a frizzled Polish. She finally found out one day, not too long ago, that she is, in fact, a chicken, and entitled to act like one.
Love was always broody, but a sweet broody.
Flapod was not too bright, but always daring.

All chickens are great, if they have the chance!

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