what should i breed my white NB silkies too?


In the Brooder
Jun 1, 2024
in my current flock, i have several white NB silkies, among them is one rooster i’ve been breeding to them. i want to get a new silkie rooster with a different color but i dont want to ruin any genes. to my knowledge my white silkies come from a line of white silkies, possible splashes tho. if i got a splash rooster would i end up with some splashes and some whites?
What's an NB silkie?

With Splash rooster and white hen, to my knowledge, the white is going to be like a wild card as it's recessive, and you don't know what's under it.
Non bearded maybe?
I was thinking that, but I don't use the term. If the chicks are bearded, we say bearded, that's it, nothing is said if they aren't.

It'd be the same as saying NV for non-vaulted. Again, we'd say if they are vaulted, but nothing is said if they aren't.

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