What the heck is thi hen


Feb 26, 2015
East Tennessee
She's (at least we hope she's a she) is 5 or 6 months old. She not a bantan
because she's the size of your average chicken of that age. The woman who gave her to me told me that her father may be an Ameracauna (I'm sure she actually meant an Easter Egger)) but she had no clue on what the mother is.

So super sleuths. Male or female? Best guesses on breeds? Oh! And her legs are yellow but she seems to be developing the EE ear muffs..
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x2 with Donrae

I strongly believe that is a rooster. I see saddle feathers plus the black and white pattern in an EE is almost always male. If female, there is a patterning (think black and white kaleidescope). What you have are large blocks of color, again indicating male.

It has Ameraucana somewhere in the background because of the beard and muffs, and then any other breed on the other side. With the genetic pool of Easter Egger (which was likely the father rather than Ameraucana as you suspect), you've got a barnyard mix which opens up a lot more possibilities making it a lot harder to guess who the other parent might have been.

All you can say due to the beard/muff is Easter Egger.

And yes, Easter Eggers can have yellow legs. Remember they are a hybrid, a mix, so the appearance of EE's because they are a "mutt" can vary a lot such that yellow legs are found. People get the mistaken idea that EE's are a standardized breed with beards/muffs, green legs, and green eggs. That works if one parent is pureblood Ameraucana, as that *usually* appears in the offspring, but not always, and definitely not when an EE is used as the "Ameraucana."

But no eggs for you. That's a rooster. I suspicion it just hasn't learned to crow yet either because of immaturity, EE's can take up to 6 or 7 months to fully mature, or because it is in "juvenile" position with another rooster who is senior. If no other rooster, sometimes the boys just take longer to find their voice.

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Oh no! It seems like with this much consensus, Paf must be a rooster instead of a hen. We live in the city and can't have roosters, so now I will have to fin him a new home (not easy with roosters, I'm sure). So can those of you with more experience than me tell me what features say "cockerel" to you?

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