What to do for a split eyelid?


In the Brooder
Sep 5, 2016
I've got a chick with a split eyelid. She'll scratch at it with her foot and cries. Washing it with saline solution and using Terramycin from the TSC. Is there anything else that could be done besides Vet or soup pot? Thanks in advance.

I have a 4 year old barred rock that had a piece of her eye lid ripped off by another bird as a pullet. She's always been bottom of the pecking order. Her eye doesn't close completely but her inner eye lid is fine. She does look a bit odd lol. I would just keep doing what you're doing but keep her near but seperate from the others until she heals.
It's been about 5 days since treatment. The eye lid isn't bleeding, but Mary cries when she uses her foot on that side. A little bit puffy still, but no redness. Should I continue washing and treating? I still have her separated from the rest of the flock. I will continue to watch for bleeding or whatsoever. Thank you for your input. God bless.
It's been about 5 days since treatment. The eye lid isn't bleeding, but Mary cries when she uses her foot on that side. A little bit puffy still, but no redness. Should I continue washing and treating? I still have her separated from the rest of the flock. I will continue to watch for bleeding or whatsoever. Thank you for your input. God bless.

Poor girl :( did it scab at all? The one thing I notice with mine (Miss Kitty) is that any time I have added a chicken to the coop they seem to fixate on her odd looking eye. She has taken more than a few pecks on it. She sleeps on her own perch since it is most obvious when she closes her eye and I think she was freaking out whoever sat beside her on that side. She's just gotten used to getting in early so she can get to her short perch that only fits one!

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