what to plant for the fall?


7 Years
Jun 12, 2017
Hey folks, I'm getting ready to till the majority of my garden (squash, cucumbers, cantaloupe) under for the year and am looking for something to plant for the chickens for the fall/early winter. I still have tomatoes and peppers producing, so the chickens will still get those scraps. But I was thinking of planting some turnips, kale, and some rape seed I have left over. What else is cheap (or a better option) and will provide some fall/winter greens for the birds?
I used to grow Swiss chard for mine and they loved it. It's so easy to grow and pretty tough.
Hey folks, I'm getting ready to till the majority of my garden (squash, cucumbers, cantaloupe) under for the year and am looking for something to plant for the chickens for the fall/early winter. I still have tomatoes and peppers producing, so the chickens will still get those scraps. But I was thinking of planting some turnips, kale, and some rape seed I have left over. What else is cheap (or a better option) and will provide some fall/winter greens for the birds?
Turnips, beets, lettuce, potatoes will all grow through the winter in some places. Mine LOVE tomatoes ☺️
I keep a mix of seeds to seed heavily used run areas including kale, arugula, lettuce, chard, sunflower, watercress, broccoli, marigolds, nasturtium, chia, radish, carrot, basil and parsley and some sort of microgreen sprout mix that a seed company sent me as a gift ... I'm planting it around their coop and run though along with hosta transplants. In beds I'm sure you'd want to keep the separate.
Depending on our fall, some things like my sunflowers might not fully mature but they can eat the sprouts and I always have a few that will come up in early spring. Anything that doesn't sprout isn't really a loss because I'm rotating out old seeds from storage.
We've had such a rainy summer that my goal includes trying to suck up extra water to keep their run dry.
I grow a couple of kinds of kale, tatsoi, bok choi, and swiss chard. They like them all. Also, you could probably get some snow peas in the time you have left. They're a spring and fall crop where I live.

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