Is very much a cockerel! I'm not even mad. He's quite pretty but I wish I had known before picking up a mini bantam (I have a lot of girls and thought I had no boys) but he's so cute I don't want to give him up! But he's so little he can't even mount the girls so he just pulls their feathers out of their head. Lol I just found it so funny the fella pictured looked just like all the girls until all of a sudden his tail feathers seemingly sprouted into a beautiful plume of feathers. So I took him out of one coop (I have two) and put him into another so he could have his own flock and immediately he started courting and showing off. He'd never done it before and my mini bantam was even so upset we pulled him out as if he wasn't even aware he was a cockerel lol. THEN as I'm watching him court my brahmas and random girls I noticed one of the brahmas had .... Boy-colored tail feathers so now I am pretty sure I have three boys amongst the 33 girls. I'm hoping this fella and my male brahma have enough ladies amongst them to not worry about territory and we will be expanding the runs shortly. They already have a decent amount of space to run (with occasional escape artists who roost in the trees above like peafowl) and I'd have them fully free ranged if I didn't think they'd wander into the neighbors barn like three of my old ladies do. I can't imagine the amount of poop 30+ chickens would put on a tractor seat.
. Anyway, my name is Meg, this is my first post. Just saying hello and sharing my surprise and joy. Enjoy the pics of the surprise roo and ladies! And I wrote this at 5am so if its one big confusing run on sentence I do apologize!