What's a laying Chicken Worth?


In the Brooder
Feb 18, 2022
That is a loaded question and the answer depends on why you started raising chickens. Hobby or profit? An analogy is hunting. Hunting dove, ducks, and geese is a hobby. If I reviewed the cost per pound for the meat, I would never go hunting. Again, why are you raising the chickens?
Usually, if it is not a show quality, I would say about 30-50 dollars if it is laying, but under 2 years (peak laying age). They are worth more but you can't sell them for more. When they start getting older, the cost goes down. I would say an average price for a good quality bird that's laying is 100-150.
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Yep. New point of lay hens go for 20-30$ each depending on the color/desirability of the breed.
Older hens still laying age 2 and up go for about 8-10
Young meat birds go for 10
Older meat birds (stew hens/roos) for for 5-8
if you are asking for payment/compensation of a hen that was killed due to negligence - it's the cost of the bird PLUS the average number of eggs laid by that breed times the average life expectancy of the bird MINUS the years x eggs of years they've already lived. and then you figure the cost of the eggs you would have sold.
At least that's how it works here.

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