What's up with this chicks wings?? (Not urgent)


Apr 29, 2021
Middle Tennessee
I didn't want to post this is the emergencies/disease/illness thread bit if it belongs there please feel free to move it! This 5 day old bantam cochin is getting wing feathers and they're growing in kinda funny, they stick out away from the body instead of laying flat. Any opinions? I've raised almost 100 baby chicks and never seen this before.


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They don't really look that unusual to me. Give them some time to really grow in. They might be fine. If they start to curl outward, then maybe there's some frizzle mixed in (or a random mutation like the one that caused the frizzle in the first place, I guess).
They don't really look that unusual to me. Give them some time to really grow in. They might be fine. If they start to curl outward, then maybe there's some frizzle mixed in (or a random mutation like the one that caused the frizzle in the first place, I guess).
Mkay, maybe I'm just one of those spastic chicken moms, I notice everything!😂 ooo, a frizzle would be amazing!

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