What's wrong with my girl


In the Brooder
5 Years
Aug 19, 2014
Hi all
One of my girls is very poorly and I am afraid she won't see out the day. For a little while now she has been lethargic, fluffed up and not leaving the coop until very late. She is sort of eating and drinking but not much but she will happily let he hand feed her most of the time. I have been giving her garlic, fresh oregano, parsley and nasturtium. I even tipped her upside down and massaged her crop which felt very squishy. I have attached a photo. If anyone has any ideas please let me know.
Hi Enola
She is 2 years old. Her poop is a greenish colour. She hasn't laid in weeks. I give them fresh herbs regularly along with their normal seed mix. My other two girls are fine.

I haven' t heard of Corid but I will look it up. I use apple cider vinegar and garlic in their water to worm them. I am afraid to use worming medication as we have a dog who loves the chicken poop and I have read that worming products are harmful to dogs. The girls eat lots of nasturtium too which I believe is good for worms too.
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Thanks Enola
I will look into Safeguard and your other suggestion of Corid. Really appreciate your advice.

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She needs to be treated ASAP. Your hen does't look like she will livee much longer.

All of your hens need to be treated. Worms and external parasites will eventually kill even the healthiest of hens.
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