Wheezing-Squeaky Chicken


Aug 11, 2024
Hi all. My Chicken just started sounding like this yesterday, I've quarantined her, gave VTrx, Nutri drench and Chicken electrolytes/vitamins. Anything else you would suggest? She's not lethargic, running around, eating and drinking completely normally. She did dustbathe for a while the other day, then sat in the nesting box a while to lay her egg. Anything would help. Thank you!
That sound is called stridor and it's most often due to a minor bit of debris trapped in the larynx. It's usually temporary and will resolve in about 24 hours on its own.

However, you should have someone help you get a good look into her throat to examine her for any obvious obstruction. Look with a strong flashlight and take your time.

Look for a string or thread wrapped around the tongue. Look for a grass blade poking out of the esophagus. Look for any dried food trapped in the back of the tongue.

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