Hi everyone, I am not sure which category this question technically falls under... chick care? chicken behavior?!?
Basically, I have a hen with her two chicks (1 week old now) - she is living inside the coop, in a separate pen (a crate attached to the nest box she was sitting at) with her chicks. She is clearly eager to take them exploring.... is it safe!? Will the others harass her or the chicks!? (I have 2 roosters and 18 other hens in that coop/run)
Will she bring them inside at night!? And will they then go to sleep in the nest box!?! (Obviously she cannot perch - hopefully she will not perch and abandon them!?! ) Heeeellppp!!!
I know we normally wait for them to be fully feathered to be in a coop, but not when mom has them, right!? They have been sleeping there with her this whole time!
Any guidance appreciated!
Basically, I have a hen with her two chicks (1 week old now) - she is living inside the coop, in a separate pen (a crate attached to the nest box she was sitting at) with her chicks. She is clearly eager to take them exploring.... is it safe!? Will the others harass her or the chicks!? (I have 2 roosters and 18 other hens in that coop/run)
Will she bring them inside at night!? And will they then go to sleep in the nest box!?! (Obviously she cannot perch - hopefully she will not perch and abandon them!?! ) Heeeellppp!!!
I know we normally wait for them to be fully feathered to be in a coop, but not when mom has them, right!? They have been sleeping there with her this whole time!
Any guidance appreciated!