When do these breeds start laying?


-Dogs are Gods way of saying your not alone-
Apr 2, 2021
I have 5 chickens a black australorp, a cinnamon queen, a buff orpington, a light brahma, and a silver laced wyandotte. I was wondering when they would start laying they are almost 10 weeks old.
Brahmas can start laying later then the other breeds, between 6-8 months of age.

Buff Orpingtons, mine usually begin between 5-6 months, latest 7 months.

Cinnamon Queens probably 4-5 months.

Wyandottes I believe start laying around 5-6 months, but I think they vary alittle.
Seems likes it varies. Our Australorps when we had some came from Hoover's.

Mine are from Welp.

Also, mine are Blues -- which probably means some Andalusian back in their development that could have contributed earlier maturity.

But a good case in point as to how you really cannot predict when a chicken will start to lay.

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