Hi there!
I own a couple of guineas since two weeks.
I first got them with unclipped wings. Like the breeder said, I locked them up with the chickens in the coop for one night and 4 hours in the morning and let them out then. They were very shy and were always some meters outside our property except when I shooed them to our ground. It wasn't possible to get them into the coop again. They always roosted in the trees.
At the 4th day, the hen was laying half eaten in our property. Schorsch, the male guinea, was freaking out then. He screamed a lot and flew around in our village wherever he wanted to. Catching him was impossible. And at night he slept at 15 metres height or so.
So I decided to buy a new female guinea, I named her Petra.
When I came back home, Schorsch was roosting in our coop. I closed it and clipped the wings of Schorsch and Petra and did it like some friends suggested. I locked them up in the coop in a cage ( so that the chicken can go in, lay eggs and go there to roost at sunset) for one week.
After one week, they were really nice. They were the whole time with the chickens, stayed on the property and also were not that shy anymore. Sometimes they came a bit towards me instead of running away and hiding when seeing me.
In the first night, Petra was roosting under the goat's hut. I catched her and put her into the coop. Schorsch couldn't be found anywhere. Next morning Schorsch returned.
Second night: I put a bright LED light into the coop as I read that this should help the guineas come into it.
I drove the two successfully into the coop with another house mate.
Third night: I drove Petra into the coop, but Schorsch was freaking out, ran away anywhere in our little village.
To sum it up a bit: Petra screamed for Schorsch and went into the village, found him and the two didn't come back to my property. I tried it several times. Then I could catch Schorsch in the edge of a barn, locked him up in a big cage on the meadow in the afternoon.
Next day, after 24 hours, he started shouting for Petra. She came back in a few minutes.
I HATE to lock the two up in cages but obviously, it helped a bit that the two stayed here and stayed with the chickens. Also, I read a lot about locking only one of them up and let the other roam so that the two don't go away because they wanna stay together.
At the moment, I am changing every second day the Guinea who is locked up and the one who is allowed to free range.
I also read in one article about putting a red light into the coop.
Now, both Petra and Schorsch came into the coop one time for themselves since I put the red light there.
Actually, I wanted to do this training for two weeks, but I feel so guilty when I stuff one of them into the cage. It hurts me
What do you think? When are they ready to roam like the chickens without one caged up?
I mean: Is it more because of the red light they come into the coop or because of the other guinea? One evening, Petra roosted in the goat's hut when I had Schorsch locked up in the cage in the coop but without a red light there.
So, perhaps I can let the two out and it works?
But I don't wanna make the mistake to make the training too short.
What do you think?
I own a couple of guineas since two weeks.
I first got them with unclipped wings. Like the breeder said, I locked them up with the chickens in the coop for one night and 4 hours in the morning and let them out then. They were very shy and were always some meters outside our property except when I shooed them to our ground. It wasn't possible to get them into the coop again. They always roosted in the trees.
At the 4th day, the hen was laying half eaten in our property. Schorsch, the male guinea, was freaking out then. He screamed a lot and flew around in our village wherever he wanted to. Catching him was impossible. And at night he slept at 15 metres height or so.
So I decided to buy a new female guinea, I named her Petra.
When I came back home, Schorsch was roosting in our coop. I closed it and clipped the wings of Schorsch and Petra and did it like some friends suggested. I locked them up in the coop in a cage ( so that the chicken can go in, lay eggs and go there to roost at sunset) for one week.
After one week, they were really nice. They were the whole time with the chickens, stayed on the property and also were not that shy anymore. Sometimes they came a bit towards me instead of running away and hiding when seeing me.
In the first night, Petra was roosting under the goat's hut. I catched her and put her into the coop. Schorsch couldn't be found anywhere. Next morning Schorsch returned.
Second night: I put a bright LED light into the coop as I read that this should help the guineas come into it.
I drove the two successfully into the coop with another house mate.
Third night: I drove Petra into the coop, but Schorsch was freaking out, ran away anywhere in our little village.
To sum it up a bit: Petra screamed for Schorsch and went into the village, found him and the two didn't come back to my property. I tried it several times. Then I could catch Schorsch in the edge of a barn, locked him up in a big cage on the meadow in the afternoon.
Next day, after 24 hours, he started shouting for Petra. She came back in a few minutes.
I HATE to lock the two up in cages but obviously, it helped a bit that the two stayed here and stayed with the chickens. Also, I read a lot about locking only one of them up and let the other roam so that the two don't go away because they wanna stay together.
At the moment, I am changing every second day the Guinea who is locked up and the one who is allowed to free range.
I also read in one article about putting a red light into the coop.
Now, both Petra and Schorsch came into the coop one time for themselves since I put the red light there.
Actually, I wanted to do this training for two weeks, but I feel so guilty when I stuff one of them into the cage. It hurts me

What do you think? When are they ready to roam like the chickens without one caged up?
I mean: Is it more because of the red light they come into the coop or because of the other guinea? One evening, Petra roosted in the goat's hut when I had Schorsch locked up in the cage in the coop but without a red light there.
So, perhaps I can let the two out and it works?
But I don't wanna make the mistake to make the training too short.
What do you think?