when should I switch to layer feed?

Jul 16, 2024
I have some pullets that are around 5 months or so and they've been on a start/grower food since they were born. Should I wait till I see the first egg to feed them layer food or just start giving it to them when they are around the age to lay? I also have a cockerel, and I heard the layer feed can hurt their kidneys, what should I do about him? I don't want to buy 2 different foods if I don't need to. and I don't want to have to separate them as they have been together since they hatched.
You don't need to change foods. You just need to provide a source of calcium for the girls. Oyster shells and chicken egg shells can be placed beside your feed. You can continue to feed grower or feed an all flock type feed. The grower/all flock may be a bit more costly, but it has a higher protein percentage as well as higher amounts of other nutrients.
You don't need to change foods. You just need to provide a source of calcium for the girls. Oyster shells and chicken egg shells can be placed beside your feed. You can continue to feed grower or feed an all flock type feed. The grower/all flock may be a bit more costly, but it has a higher protein percentage as well as higher amounts of other nutrients.
^This. Layer feed comes with too many exceptions and questions:
  • What about roosters (like yours)?
  • What about mixed laying status (some laying, some not)?
  • What about in winter when chickens frequently stop laying, may molt and need more protein and less calcium?
  • What if you have different age chickens (pre-layers, layers, older/semi-retired)?
Just be sure to put the calcium (oyster shell, egg shells) in a separate container on the side. Your girls will regulate how much calcium they eat as needed and the extra protein from the all-flock will be beneficial.

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