When to use penicillin g? Hen attacked badly 4 hours ago.


In the Brooder
Apr 5, 2019
Woke up to the noise of chicken getting attacked ran outside 5am. 6 year old large hen. Ran from raccon after being plucked alive. Called dog outside because she usually helps chase the coons out. But she found the chicken and carried it to me i had to pull her off and put her inside. Hen ran in under some junk. SAW LOTS OF BLOOD AND PART OF BUT MEAT MISSING WENT TO GET LIGHT AND SAW THE TOP OF HER HEAD ALL THE WAY DOWN the back of HER KNECK NO SKIN JUST BONE AND MUSCLES. Got her in sho
wer in box with newspaper and old shirts. Used peroxide then warm water then liquid bandage over the two large wounds ive seen so far. Any ADVICE OR REASSURANCE WOULD BE GREAT. SHOULD I GO GET PENNECILLIN G NOW WHILE STILL FRESH OR WAIT UNTIL PROBLEM. She has aten some cheerios,rice,yogurt also a peice of aspirin out of my hand i wasnt thinking because theres still bleeding a bit but prob only 20mg.. I plan on showering her and cleaning one more time plus neosporin. Just didnt want to scare her anymore untill she settles. She is making a weird clicking noise when eating. She is also whéezing a bit. What would you do in this situation?
The clicking and wheezing sound a bit worrisome, especially since the air sacs can be punctured and air can leak. This type of wound can heal over time, but the tissue needs to be kept moist to promote healing. Put away the peroxide, since repeated use can prevent healing. Some good things to use for disinfecting the wound are chlohexidene, betadine, but saline or soap and water are fine for initial cleaning. Get a couple of tubes of Triple Antibiotic Ointment or plain Neosporin Ointment, and apply it twice a day after blotting the wound with saline.

There are quite a few threads with similar wound to see how well they healed. Make sure that she is taking plenty of water and food after any signs of shock are over. Wet chicken feed or chopped egg is usally a favorite.

Antibiotics are not usually required. Procaine Penicillin G is not the best, but it can be purchased in refrigerated medicines in feed stores. Dosage is 1/4 ml given into the breast muscle every day for 4-5 days. Watch for signs of infection, such as a bad odor, and pus. Cleaning with a disinfectant such as betadine may help prevent this. Vetericyn Plus spray is an expensive product, but also good to use in place of betadine. Walmart sells betadine in the first aid aisle under “Equate First Aid Antiseptic—povidone iodine.”
Peroxide actually isn't generally considered to be a good idea; many people say it's too harsh on the wounds and retards healing. I would have used warm saline instead to rinse it. I like to slather with neosporin; liquid bandage is a bit of a thin coating for my liking.

Keep in her in a warm, dark spot to let her calm down. There's no need for penicillin unless you actually see signs of infection. And even then, be aware that penicillin only kills gram-positive bacteria, so it might do more harm than good by wiping out beneficial/competing bacteria, or simply be useless because it's not fighting the infection you want it to fight.
If you decide to use the Pen G you will need 4-5 small syringes, probably 3 ml, and 20 gauge short 1/2 inch needles. Inject no more than 1/4 inch deep, and alternate sides daily. But I would hold off unless there is infection. Oral amoxicillin, available online as Fish Mox 250 mg can be purchased with a prescription. Dosage is 250 mg twice a day ( or 57mg per pound twice a day) for 5 days.
Okay thank you all very much for the replies. They are all better then what i could find googling. So just rinse with salt water and apply neosporin often. Also buy betadine to clean. And dont use antibiotics unless it becomes infected. Should i shower her to find any other wounds or just rinse wound areas with saline and look around?
Thank you all very much
Okay thank you all very much for the replies. They are all better then what i could find googling. So just rinse with salt water and apply neosporin often. Also buy betadine to clean. And dont use antibiotics unless it becomes infected. Should i shower her to find any other wounds or just rinse wound areas with saline and look around?
Thank you all very much
Option #2. Don't want to disturb her too much, and a shower might do that.
Over here in the UK, we have some antibacterial powder that you can apply to wounds. It also stems the bleeding. It's called Johnsons Antibacterial Powder and contains tosylchloramide sodium. I've used it for nasty wounds and haven't had one go bad yet. Don't breathe it in though as it is an irritant to us.

With other wounds - and to stop pecking, I sometimes spray with Gentian Violet antiseptic spray.

Best of luck to you and your girl.
I would look her over for any other wounds, especially under wings, and for puncture wounds. To mix saline take 1 quart or liter of water, add 2 teaspoons of table salt, and boil it for a few minutes. Bring to room temperature. Keep it in a clean jar of container.
I would look her over for any other wounds, especially under wings, and for puncture wounds. To mix saline take 1 quart or liter of water, add 2 teaspoons of table salt, and boil it for a few minutes. Bring to room temperature. Keep it in a clean jar of container.

Thank you i made saline rinsed them out. Found two more wounds rinsed them and smothered her head wound with neosporin but she started shivering so i let her be again she ate and drank water. Will dress the other ones before bed. Both back ends of her jawbones are exposed and clicking when she chews or drinks hope im not prolonging her death. Gave her more aspirin 40mg upto 60mg total today hope im not messing this up.
Thank you i made saline rinsed them out. Found two more wounds rinsed them and smothered her head wound with neosporin but she started shivering so i let her be again she ate and drank water. Will dress the other ones before bed. Both back ends of her jawbones are exposed and clicking when she chews or drinks hope im not prolonging her death. Gave her more aspirin 40mg upto 60mg total today hope im not messing this up.
General dose for aspirin is a single 89 mg tablet per day. Generally, it's given groud up with water. Or use a standard 325 mg tablet and add it to a gallon of water, and portion out a quart a day.

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