Where to place water and food?


Mar 24, 2020
Hello! We have 4 chickens who we are transitioning outside from the brooder (they are just over 6 weeks old). We have an A frame coop with a ramp down to the ground (enclosed area). I'm wondering where to place to food and water - on the ground or up in the coop where the perch and (eventually) the nesting box will be? They seem fearful to go down the ramp right now. During most days, we plan to put the chickens in the moveable chicken tractor on grass with water but unsure about the placement of food/water in the coop. Thank you!
When we first move the chicks to the coop, I put the food and water inside the coop. Now, they are almost most 16 wks old, and the food and water is only in the run. We don't typically have hot overnight temps, as we are in the Colorado mountains. I start my workday at 6 am. Depending upon the sunrise, I let the girls out of the coop, by 6 am or soon after.

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