So... I have no idea which hen is doing this as I have 80+ birds and isolating one noise is near impossible. If it was a stress or sickness noise, I'd find a way to figure it out as quickly as possible, but it isn't. It's actually quite pleasant and almost like a songbird as it follows a pattern where it rises, warbles, and falls. It's higher pitched like a songbird too. It usually occurs during feeding times or other times when the girls are extremely comfortable and happy (like right before bed... We have a last check/tuck in routine and they all start chatting when it's time).
My flock is made up of the following varieities;
Salmon Faverolles
Rhode Island Reds
Wyandottes (Blue Laced Red, Gold Laced, Silver Laced)
Buff Orphingtons
Mystic Marans
Sapphire Gems
Golden Comets
Various EE "types" (EEs, Starlight Green Eggers, Prairie Bluebells)
D'Uccles (Porcelain and Mille Fleur)
Cochin Bantam
Old English Game Bantams
So... Do I just have a talented hen or is this some sort of breed thing orrrr.....?
My flock is made up of the following varieities;
Salmon Faverolles
Rhode Island Reds
Wyandottes (Blue Laced Red, Gold Laced, Silver Laced)
Buff Orphingtons
Mystic Marans
Sapphire Gems
Golden Comets
Various EE "types" (EEs, Starlight Green Eggers, Prairie Bluebells)
D'Uccles (Porcelain and Mille Fleur)
Cochin Bantam
Old English Game Bantams
So... Do I just have a talented hen or is this some sort of breed thing orrrr.....?