White Leghorns Laying their First Few Eggs


May 30, 2020
Please, tell me they get quieter after they have laid their first half dozen eggs? I have nine hens 21.5 weeks old. White Leghorns. The first egg came with a lot of noise about two weeks ago. The daily quantity slowly increased with the noise. Yesterday I had seven eggs. And the racket has become incredible. It seems right after the accomplishment they scream it out to the world over and over. The classic Buck Buck Bugaw! in ear piercing fashion. But I think the first one to lay an egg is now the quietest. My hope is that this is a temporary thing, if so, perfectly understandable. Please tell me this is true? Or I am gonna have to add sound proofing. It's making the neighbors' dog bark and it's just a matter of time before I get a complaint.
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My hope is that this is a temporary thing, if so, perfectly understandable. Please tell me this is true?
They may quiet down after awhile......or they may not.
Doesn't go by breed.
I had a group of pullets one year that were so loud I had to close my house windows to work over the phone....they settled after a few weeks.
I have 3 golden comets and so far only one is laying but she is completely quiet the entire time. When she's done, she quietly joins the others in the run. I wonder if the other two will also be quiet. We have no rooster.

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