Why Did My Chick Die?


In the Brooder
Jul 5, 2024
Posting a link to reddit because I can’t upload a video here:


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Try posting the video to yt and linking that here
Unfortunately I deleted the videos from my phone after uploading so I can’t do this. But it’s only marked as NSFW because it shows a dead chick and blood and logging in to reddit can show the video. Pretty sad, she randomly bled from her vent and mouth one night and died. It was a horrible way to go and looked like she pooped out her organs.
Based on your description I would make a guess and assume internal hemorrhaging. If it was a very young chick, the organs are growing rapidly and any problems usually claim them pretty quickly. That would be my guess.
Could you just give some details about the chick, age, where it came from, any symptoms etc. Post any pictures for help.
I hatched her from fresh pasture eggs we get from a local farm. She was born June 20th. She died randomly overnight on July 17th at 4 am, after going to sleep seemingly healthy at the time, but looking back she always had some issues since birth. First she would sit and walk from her knees looking like a duck sometimes for like the first week. Then she got pasty butt several times that I cleaned. Other then that for the like the last 10 days of her life she looked okay to me. However, now looking back at the videos I notice she’s mostly always distanced from her siblings (All 5 are healthy and happy to this day). In one of the videos from when they are two weeks old, I can even see one of my chicks (Who grew up to be a roo) fly towards her to make sure she doesn’t come near the flock. Maybe she was born with an internal issue that the chicks picked up on. Ultimately just wanna know what it could have been because she died in a horrible way and suddenly overnight when I saw her go to sleep fine. She had bled from her mouth and vent and had a bloody lump on her vent.
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