Why is my duck coughing / whooping like this?


Feb 21, 2022
Hello, does anyone know why my duck is making this noise? It's not the hiccups. Is it also short of breath? Is something growing in its throat? It seems to be having trouble breathing
Sounds like she has something stuck maybe? Have you examined her felt along her neck? I've seen my ducks do something similar if they eat too fast. But they usually get it resolved in a few minutes.
Sounds like she has something stuck maybe? Have you examined her felt along her neck? I've seen my ducks do something similar if they eat too fast. But they usually get it resolved in a few minutes.
Thanks Lydia, but it's been like this for a while. The ducks are in Oklahoma. In a 4 acre yard, and they have access to a coop/house if they choose. Do you think it's a baterial/viral/fungal infection of some kind?
Is a vet an option, if it's been going on for a while she may need an antibiotic?
Is she eating and active?
Explain your set up and what type of bedding you use. Is the bedding wet or damp? mold can cause Fungal infection Aspergolisis is the name and it can be treated.

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