These are my first two turkeys, a gift for me from my dad. I'm sure it's mating season (my chickens already had they're chicks) I think we got the turkeys around April 20th of this year, so they're around 5 - 6 months old. A turkey is only sexually mature after a year, but my Tom is already puffing up around my hen. He tries to get with her I guess, but she usually runs back to me. Sometimes he'll attack her head, she'll come over and rub her head against my leg and get in between my legs and sit there. This morning I thought they were going to mate. But he she just attacked his gobble and ran away. If he's puffing up and she sees me, she's going towards me. It's like she's more interested in me than the tom. Sometimes my head will just hold on to my shirt and not let go. She's not really biting me she's just not letting go. If I'm walking around the yard they will both follow me like dogs. I have been around these turkeys for every day of their life. My dad got them at tractor supply saying it was interesting, I don't know if they're from the same flock, I might try to get more turkeys to expand my turkey Empire. But is there something wrong with my female hen? It's crazy how I can't pull anybody but a turkey