Why is my hen's face swollen?


Jun 6, 2024
Eastern USA
The hen in question is my five-year-old Cochin, Ellie. About 24 hours ago I noticed that the left side of her face was swollen, but her eye was still open. I saw NO nasal/eye discharge, and her breathing was completely normal. I just kept an eye on her, but didn't let myself worry. This morning, the left side of her face is a little more swollen, but she is still acting completely normal and the right side looks fine. Eating, drinking, pretty active, no sneezing or breathing issues, clean nostrils. I don't see a wound except for a tiny scab on her forehead. I might be imagining things, but her comb seems very slightly discolored at the tips. What could this be? Should I be worried?

*Pics attached of both sides of her face and front view*


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The swollen area does not have the normal red color of the right side of her face. Usually swelling of the face there can be due to a respiratory disease such as MG or coryza. In the absence of other symptoms, it could be caused by a peck injury, sting, or tick bite. You could watch her, and make sure that she is not getting picked on, but also getting enough food and water. Sometimes Benadryl can be given orally once at a dosage of 4 mg per pound of weight, in cause of a sting or allergic reaction. If you have Tylosin or have had a past respiratory disease in the flock, that can be helpful.
The swollen area does not have the normal red color of the right side of her face. Usually swelling of the face there can be due to a respiratory disease such as MG or coryza. In the absence of other symptoms, it could be caused by a peck injury, sting, or tick bite. You could watch her, and make sure that she is not getting picked on, but also getting enough food and water. Sometimes Benadryl can be given orally once at a dosage of 4 mg per pound of weight, in cause of a sting or allergic reaction. If you have Tylosin or have had a past respiratory disease in the flock, that can be helpful.
I’d second the benedryl (diphenhydramine) looks like a localized allergic reaction to a spider bite or something.
Thank you so much! Unfortunately, I don't think I have any Benadryl in the house, I searched everywhere I could think of. Is the Benadryl necessary, and is there anything herbal or topical I could give her? I'm relieved to hear that it doesn't sound like a respiratory thing - no history of that in the flock and I hope to keep it that way! I'll keep a close eye on her, but she's still acting normal and drinking water etc. Thanks again!
The swelling should go down in a couple of days. Can you look for any signs of a wasps, spiders, or ticks around the coop. They sell Benadryl at most grocery and pharmacies. A neighbor might have some. The tablets are 25mg which would be about right for a 6 pound chicken. Break it into pieces to cut down the dose.
The swelling should go down in a couple of days. Can you look for any signs of a wasps, spiders, or ticks around the coop. They sell Benadryl at most grocery and pharmacies. A neighbor might have some. The tablets are 25mg which would be about right for a 6 pound chicken. Break it into pieces to cut down the dose.
There's plenty of wasps around, nothing I can do about them, but I've never seen them bother the chickens. Good possibility. There aren't any spiders in the coop and I haven't seen any ticks on the girls lately but definitely possible, they free-range in the brush all day and she could have gotten into anything.

I'll see what I can do about the benadryl
Here in southern OH, WV, and KY, we have been inundated with yellow jackets (wasps) this fall from the month’s long drought we had. They were all over the ground until just the past week. They were looking for food and water. If you spilled food or put leftovers out, they would swarm them.

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