Why is one chick singled out?


In the Brooder
Mar 26, 2024
I am a brand new chick mama, and I have 4 little chicks about a week old. Three were mystery chicks that were not what the original breeder ordered. One is a backyard mix. The three are bantam, but I think there are two different breeds so I have one little teeny tiny chick, two bantam, and one regular/standard size. The two who look identical pal around and the backyard mix kind of runs the show. I've noticed the little one (I named her Beans) just kind of sleeps off on her own, a lot. The other three will be up eating or scratching through the bedding and Beans will be asleep under the lamp. I've ground the crumble up and have tried giving her crumble soaked with hydrohen water. (All the water has hydrohen) Is it just normal behavior because she's a different breed, or should I be concerned?


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it happens, just a weak chick, and almost every time ive seen it they dont make it .. theyll do that for a couple weeks and then not wake up one day, so just brace for it
Is she not eating or drinking at all?
If she isnt eating or drinking give her some raw egg yolk.
You already have electrolytes in the water so thats good!
I would also do mash(chick feed and water) along with the egg yolk.

Sometimes it is a failure to thrive situation and the chick doesnt make it, but i do hope for the best.
I had super weak chicks that i have been able to save. And a few who i tried everything to save and they didnt make it.

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