wife problem


In the Brooder
Aug 24, 2024
OK, this is just crazy. My wife is out in the hard driving snow trying to herd the chickens back into the coop-- worried their little feet will freeze off. Well, hey. This is the first snowfall of the Minnesota season and it is still 32°F outside for cryin' out loud. Maybe at 10 or 15, yeah, get 'em in. But, this is just too warm to worry about. . . right?!
I have no idea how to solve your problem. If your wife feels that way then that is how she feels. As long as she doesn't hurt herself I'd let her chase the chickens.

I leave my pop door open and let the chickens decide what they want to do. The coldest my chickens have seen was -4 Fahrenheit on a bright sunshiny morning. They were out enjoying the sun. No snow involved.

When mine wake up to a new white world (it snowed overnight) they usually stay in the coop for a couple of days before some go out and start walking around. The problem is not that they hate the snow, they hate change. If they are already out when it snows during the day they stayed out. The change was gradual enough that it did not bother them.

According to a forum member that lives in Alaska you do need to take action when it drops below -20 F. Plenty of forum members have had chickens in colder conditions than that and they were OK but some can start to have problems when it drops that low.

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