Wildfire Season Help


In the Brooder
Jul 30, 2024
Seems wildfires are back again, this year, especially in the U.S. North-West and in Canada too. Last time they took hold we went weeks with-out seeing many of the birds we were so used to, coming to feeders, trees and gardens. And in the areas struck, there were social media posts looking for help for little feathered victims. So, for quick reference, remember that there are a lot of "migratory birds" that are federally protected and that "capturing" and/or "keeping" them, even with the most compassionate intentions can lead to some uncomfortable confrontations.

Best to keep a ready reference handy for local "Licensed Rehabbers". There aren't nearly enough of them around but they're out there and if they can't get to you, most of them know ways of getting help in time of need.

One general site for the U.S. is a little confusing to navigate, but there's a map on the page to narrow it down.


Hope this is of some help to those who might need it.

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