Will a Roo be happy with 3 hens and leave the ducks alone?


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Premium Feather Member
Aug 9, 2020
i’m taking in a cockerel , buff orp. i have 3 choc orp hens. but i also have 13 adult female ducks. and possibly a drake or 2 when my lings grow up. i also have several pens and a few coops to separate any who need to be separate.
They should be okay. We had two big roosters that each lived with our ducks for a long time. Well, until they passed away. The ducks didn’t really mind, and the roosters didn't either.

Our bachelor pad of drakes had a rooster living among them. No problems except for whatever came in one night and gobbled all 7 fowl up. Hardly no traces. But that’s a different story.

I think if you watch them for a while, just see how they do, there shouldn’t be many problems. :D

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