Will ducks eat raw fish? Is it good for them?


Premium Feather Member
Nov 8, 2023
Hello everybody! So I’m going ice fishing this weekend. Last time I went ice fishing we caught a whole lot of fish. We brought them home ate a few and then froze the rest. After a while, they just kind of get getting shoved down in the freezer and we and ended up throwing away about three fish. If I gave the ducks some pieces of fish, would that be good for them? Will they eat it? Think they’ll like it?

Any help would be very appreciated! Thanks!
They LOVE minnows! I use them in summer and they have a blast find/eating them.
I love giving them minnows! Every time I’m at a lake fishing l’ll bring a net so I can catch the minnows along the banks. One time my duck ate a whole crawfish (that wasn’t really supposed to happen…) but it was still cool!
I love giving them minnows! Every time I’m at a lake fishing l’ll bring a net so I can catch the minnows along the banks. One time my duck ate a whole crawfish (that wasn’t really supposed to happen…) but it was still cool!
It is amazing what they eat, or try to eat. Many times we had a duck running across the yard with a frog hanging out of its mouth and the others were chasing behind. I find a lot of dead frogs and mice in the yard in summer.

They certainly are entertaining.
Back in the 60s at our local mall they had clipped Mallards and a running stream. We would buy Gold Fish at the pet store and toss them in the stream, ducks went nuts chasing them and gobbling them up. I would say YEP.
I have seen my ducks dive and come up and swallow 6 inch live fish from our pond. Not sure how they would react to a frozen fish in the food bowl.

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