- Mar 2, 2023
- 47
- 59
- 51
Question 3 (which is totally unrelated to the questions above), is:
I have a purebreed Lavender Amerucana rooster. He came from a hatchery. Does an Amerucana mixed with anything else become an Easter Egger and lay green eggs? For example, if I breed this rooster (my only rooster) with my ISA brown hens and my Black Australorp hens, will all the babies be Easter Eggers and will the hen version of those babies lay green eggs or do they have a 50/50 chance of laying brown eggs?
Next, Do RIR (production, not heritage) breed true. I know, if I purchase two sexlink birds and breed them, they will not be the true same bird because sexlinks are a mix of other birds so can I pure breed production RIR by buying a rooster and hen or are they a hybrid also?
I have a purebreed Lavender Amerucana rooster. He came from a hatchery. Does an Amerucana mixed with anything else become an Easter Egger and lay green eggs? For example, if I breed this rooster (my only rooster) with my ISA brown hens and my Black Australorp hens, will all the babies be Easter Eggers and will the hen version of those babies lay green eggs or do they have a 50/50 chance of laying brown eggs?
Next, Do RIR (production, not heritage) breed true. I know, if I purchase two sexlink birds and breed them, they will not be the true same bird because sexlinks are a mix of other birds so can I pure breed production RIR by buying a rooster and hen or are they a hybrid also?