Will small lights bother my chickens at night?


In the Brooder
Jun 15, 2024
I wanted to add a few things to the coop including a a wifi smoke detector, thermometer and camera but I’m concerned these items give off small amounts of light and that it may interfere with the chickens sleep. Does anyone have any thoughts or experience with this?
And they don't care that my neighbors run dusk to dawn lights that appear to be roughly 10 billion watts.

There's a lot I miss about living closer to town/civilization, having neighbors isn't one of them! 😆

We have some solar lights near our chicken yard - the light doesn't shine *directly* into the coop, but it can be seen through one of the coop windows a bit. My chickens do not seem bothered (we also have a camera in the coop with a small red light and they aren't bothered by that either).

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